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Galvan Lab News and Awards 

International Conference on Aging and Disease (ICAD 2023)


Congrats to Dr. Stacy Hussong on her exciting oral presentation at the 2023 ICAD in Shanghai!

May 2022  50th Annual
American Aging Association Meeting


Dr. Stacy Hussong presents her work on the role of neuronal

mTORC1 signaling in the regulation peripheral metabolism.

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May 2022  50th Annual American Aging Association Meeting
San Antonio, TX

Marina Brown (Graduate Student, Galvan Lab) received the 3rd Place Poster Walter R. Nicolai Award for pre-doctoral scholars. Congrats Marina!!

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Congrats to Marina Brown, B.S., on her appointment  to the Center for Geroscience NIA T32 Training Program!

November 2021  Oklahoma Geroscience NIA T32 Training Program

August 2020 NIH National Research Service Award

Congratulations to MD/PhD student Andy Banh for receiving the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship award. This award was granted by the National Institute on Aging.
2020 Poster Awards

2020 has been an interesting year for conferences. With the pandemic shutting down most in-person meetings, many conference have decided to go virtual. Despite this obstacle, we have been able to present posters and talks at exciting conferences. We congratulate our graduate student Angela Olson Dorigatti for receiving a poster award at the 2020 Texas Alzheimer's Research and Care Consortium (TARCC) Meeting, and our MD/PhD student Andy Banh for receiving first place at the poster competition in the 2020 South Texas Alzheimer's Conference (STAC). 

Dr. Galvan is elected Fellow of the American Aging Association 


November 2019: KSAT 12 features the Galvan Lab
The Galvan Lab was recently interviewed on KSAT12 for a special report.
SAN ANTONIO – Alzheimer’s disease has no cure, but researchers at UT Health San Antonio are hoping their recent study could prevent the disease or other related dementias.

Researchers studied the impact of Rapamycin, which is used to prevent organ transplant rejection, on rats. They wanted to know if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved drug could impact blood circulation to the brain and possibly improve memory.

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December 2019: Angela Olson receives ASPET Washington Fellowship 
Graduate student Angela Olson Dorigatti will travel to Washington, DC this spring to advocate science policy to congressional leaders. This is made possible by the American Society for Pharmacology and  Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Washington Fellows program. 
July 2019 BRAIN/BRAIN PET in Yokohama, Japan 
Dr. Stacy Hussong was invited to speak at this years' event sponsored by the International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. She presented her talk on "Prion-like propagation of soluble tau aggregates to brain microvascular endothelial cells promotes cellular senescence and blocks eNOS activation." Our students presented posters on various topics, including cellular senescence, proteomics, and neurovascular coupling in Alzheimer's disease. 
April 2019 Oklahoma Nathan Shock Geroscience Symposium 
Congratulations to our fourth year graduate student, Angela Olson, for receiving a highly competitive travel award and a poster presentation award at this years annual Oklahoma Geroscience Symposium organized by Dr. Arlan Richardson and Dr. Holly Van Remmen. The central thesis of the conference, inflammation in age-related diseases, was a perfect match with Angela's focus; senescence in Alzheimer's disease. This symposium was hosted by the Oklahoma Nathan Shock Center and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. 
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2019 American Aging Association
Annual Meeting
Congratulations to Angela Olson and Dr. Stacy Hussong for receiving a travel award to attend the American Aging Association Annual Meeting in beautiful San Fransisco, CA! The topic this year will be Translating
Aging Research and the Keynote speaker will be Dr. James Kirkland of the Mayo Clinic. 
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Feb. 2019 South Texas
Alzheimer's Conference 
Mrs. Ann Biggs of the Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases awarded the top prizes for the poster blitz competition at the inaugural conference here in San Antonio, Texas. Out of an astounding 60 selected posters for the conference, our own Stephen Hernandez won first place, Dr. Candice Van Skike won second place, and Angela Olson received an honorable mention.
June 2018 American Aging Association Meeting 
The 47th Annual American Aging Association Meeting and Nathan Shock Summit took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Galvan Lab received two merit-based travel awards; Dr. Stacy Hussong received a Junior Faculty travel award and Angela Olson received a Graduate Student travel award. At the conference, Stephen Hernandez won Superior Poster Presentation by a pre-doctoral student, and Dr. Candice Van Skike won the Student Achievement Award for a post-doctoral student for getting first place during the poster blitz session.  
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Stephen AGE award
Angie AGE Award
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Feb. 2018 American Physiological Society Award
The American Physiological Society highlights outstanding scientific discoveries by selecting original research articles from the 10 APS research journals and awarding two of their most exciting papers from each journal with the distinguished APSselect award.
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Department of Biochemistry and Physiology
Center for Geroscience and Healthy Brain Aging
940 Stanton L. Young Bvd., BMSB 853
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Similar to logo Alzheimer's Association



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